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Partner With Us

We invite you to work with us and to hold us accountable!



We hold the view that government has a fundamental role to play and an obligation to ensure the implementation and fulfillment of the Zimbabwean Constitution and regional and international instruments of governance.  We work with governments from local to national and regional level.

Regional & international Partners

Regional & Local Partners

Networking and collaborations are key to the growth and deepening of our work. We work with different institutions and movements locally, nationally and continentally as well as internationally both south to south and south to north. We do this in ways that enable us to be an integral part of the struggles for justice of cross movements as well as seeking their support and solidarity for our issues, demands, claims and struggles. Building solidarity and alliances is essential to our work on consciousness-raising and changing mindsets. Other networking spaces such as the Alliance for Community based Organisations and the African Women Leaders Forum have emerged from our work and continue to foster partnerships to advance our cause.

Corporations & Foundations

Corporate Foundations

We work with corporations and foundations that share the same values and beliefs on social justice.  We value diversity because it allows us to address young women’s needs and interests in communities intersectionality. For those reasons our doors are open to work with corporations and foundations to find sustainable solutions to our challenges.